AIHA has won a Communitas Award for its IH Heroes outreach program for Excellence in Organization Community Service.
The American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) is pleased to announce that its IH Heroes outreach program has won a 2018 Communitas Award for Excellence in Organization Community Service. Communitas Awards recognizes exceptional businesses, organizations and individuals that are unselfishly giving of themselves and their resources, and those that are changing how they do business to benefit their communities. The IH Heroes outreach program is a part of the Professional Pathway program for industrial hygienists (IH.) These programs were created from a desire to align Association resources and development opportunities with the various career stages of the profession. The program includes an award-winning website, documentary series, comic book, and real-world inspired avatar characters. The resulting programs encourage and support the attainment of credentials such as certifications and registrations.
Communitas winners are recognized for specific programs involving volunteerism, philanthropy, and ethical, sustainable business practices. Communitas nominees are evaluated based on the extent and effectiveness of their program. The size and potential scope of the nominee is also taken into consideration. The winner list can be found at www.communitasawards.com.
“I am proud of this award for many reasons, but most importantly because of what it represents- making our communities better. At AIHA, we strive to improve our communities through industrial hygiene, by providing our members with the information and support they need to do their jobs of protecting workers,” said AIHA’s President Deborah Imel Nelson, PhD, CIH. “I am also very proud of our staff at AIHA who work wholeheartedly every day to fulfill AIHA’s mission.”
“Seeing this project be awarded for its community service aspect is fantastic,” said Ben H. Rome, AIHA’s Marketing Manager and the IH Heroes project lead. “We’ve had so much fun crafting the entire outreach program for our members. Their dedication and enthusiasm in presenting the industrial hygiene profession to kids and young adults is truly inspiring. It speaks volumes about their level of commitment to reaching the next generation – and promoting worker health and safety for decades to come.”
Communitas Awards was started in 2010 as an outgrowth of the pro bono recognition program of the Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals (www.amcpros.com), a several-thousand-member group that honors creative achievement and fosters partnerships with charities and community organizations. As part of its mission, AMCP gives grants to community organizations and underwrites a large portion of Communitas expenses.
The American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) is pleased to announce that its IH Heroes outreach program has won a 2018 Communitas Award for Excellence in Organization Community Service. Communitas Awards recognizes exceptional businesses, organizations and individuals that are unselfishly giving of themselves and their resources, and those that are changing how they do business to benefit their communities. The IH Heroes outreach program is a part of the Professional Pathway program for industrial hygienists (IH.) These programs were created from a desire to align Association resources and development opportunities with the various career stages of the profession. The program includes an award-winning website, documentary series, comic book, and real-world inspired avatar characters. The resulting programs encourage and support the attainment of credentials such as certifications and registrations.
Communitas winners are recognized for specific programs involving volunteerism, philanthropy, and ethical, sustainable business practices. Communitas nominees are evaluated based on the extent and effectiveness of their program. The size and potential scope of the nominee is also taken into consideration. The winner list can be found at www.communitasawards.com.
“I am proud of this award for many reasons, but most importantly because of what it represents- making our communities better. At AIHA, we strive to improve our communities through industrial hygiene, by providing our members with the information and support they need to do their jobs of protecting workers,” said AIHA’s President Deborah Imel Nelson, PhD, CIH. “I am also very proud of our staff at AIHA who work wholeheartedly every day to fulfill AIHA’s mission.”
“Seeing this project be awarded for its community service aspect is fantastic,” said Ben H. Rome, AIHA’s Marketing Manager and the IH Heroes project lead. “We’ve had so much fun crafting the entire outreach program for our members. Their dedication and enthusiasm in presenting the industrial hygiene profession to kids and young adults is truly inspiring. It speaks volumes about their level of commitment to reaching the next generation – and promoting worker health and safety for decades to come.”
Communitas Awards was started in 2010 as an outgrowth of the pro bono recognition program of the Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals (www.amcpros.com), a several-thousand-member group that honors creative achievement and fosters partnerships with charities and community organizations. As part of its mission, AMCP gives grants to community organizations and underwrites a large portion of Communitas expenses.