NIOSH is celebrating 100 Years of Respiratory Protection during Respiratory Protection Week, September 3-6, 2019. 2019 marks the 100th anniversary of respirator approvals granted by the federal government! This is an exciting time for NIOSH and NPPTL, and we will recognize this event with a week-long observance this September. Click this link for a brochure that outlines our objectives and opportunities.
CALL FOR ABSTRACTS (Deadline July 8, 2019): You are invited to submit an abstract for the virtual poster session. The poster session will take place September 4, 2019. All poster presentations will be pre-recorded via Adobe Connect and linked via the NIOSH NPPTL website with full project descriptions. Click this link for more information / Call for Abstracts form.
For more information contact:
Judi Coyne, MBA, MA
Health Communication Specialist
NIOSH National Personal Protective Technology Laboratory
412 386 5224
[email protected]
CALL FOR ABSTRACTS (Deadline July 8, 2019): You are invited to submit an abstract for the virtual poster session. The poster session will take place September 4, 2019. All poster presentations will be pre-recorded via Adobe Connect and linked via the NIOSH NPPTL website with full project descriptions. Click this link for more information / Call for Abstracts form.
For more information contact:
Judi Coyne, MBA, MA
Health Communication Specialist
NIOSH National Personal Protective Technology Laboratory
412 386 5224
[email protected]