Industrial Scientific Tour: Wednesday, October 12. The event details are still being finalized, but most likely a 1/2-day (8:30 AM - 11:30 AM) event that includes continental breakfast, presentation, tour. Stay tuned for more information in the coming weeks.
At our July 2016 Business Meeting we welcomed our new Executive Committee Members (see below). Thank you to those who continue to serve our Local Section and dedicate their time for the benefit of our membership. Members who are interested in running for office during our February 2017 Election are asked to contact Frank Pokrywka, CIH at [email protected] to express their interest. In 2017, we will select a President-elect, Secretary (2 yr. term), and Director (2 yr. term). Please consider getting involved!
Thank you to the 2016-2017 Executive Committee: Past-President: Bernie Quinn, CIH - AM Health & Safety President: Dennis Kelly - Sunoco Logistics Partners, LP President-Elect: Matt Zock, MS, CIH - FedEx Ground Secretary: Frank Pokrywka, CIH - University of Pittsburgh Treasurer: Maureen Kelly - EMSL Analytical, Inc. Director: Keith Rickabaugh, CIH - RJ Lee Group Director: Stan Liang, CIH, CSP - Golder Associates The Executive Committee held their annual Summer Business Meeting on July 14, 2016 at Aracri's Greentree Inn. Thank you to those who attended and provided input on local section event planning for the Fall 2016 through Summer 2017 months. We will prepare meeting minutes and make them available once complete.
West Virginia University - Safety & Health is sponsoring a training session on Silica -- Sept. 2, 2016 - Morgantown WV -
2016 Shale Insight Conference to be held in Pittsburgh - Sept. 21-22, 2016 - David L. Lawrence Convention Center - Register online: 2016 Safety Leadership Conference - Sept. 19-21, 2016 - Marriott City Center Downtown Pittsburgh - 2016 IUP Safety Sciences Career Fair - Oct. 13-14, 2016 - Organizations / Employers interested in offering co-ops, internships, employment to IUP Safety Students are encouraged to attend to this fair. The July 13 edition is available now - click here to view: This monthly report is written by Aaron Trippler, Director of the Natl. AIHA Govt. Affairs Department.
The June 28 edition is available now - click here to view: This monthly report is written by Aaron Trippler, Director of the Natl. AIHA Govt. Affairs Department.
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AIHA Homepage About Industrial Hygiene AIHA Calendar of Events AIHA Catalyst AIHA IH Professional Pathway AIHA Membership AIHA Press Releases AIHA Public Resources Get Involved - Safety Matters, Outreach, Students, etc. Now Collecting Member Dues 2024ATTENTION:
Pittsburgh AIHA Member Annual Dues If you are NOT a National AIHA Member, please pay through the Pittsburgh Local Section using the PayPal link below: Categories
September 2024