U.S. Micro-Solutions, Inc. is looking for a Laboratory Set-Up Technician. Follow the link for more information: https://www.indeed.com/job/set-technician-9f32c03956ea79ba |
Thank you to the 30 Pittsburgh AIHA Members that participated in the Pittsburgh AIHA event on Tuesday, February 23 from 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM. There were two parts to this virtual meeting:
Verifying Engineering Controls - The Critical Role of Emerging Technology (11:30 AM - 12:00 PM) - Speaker Erik Malmstrom, SafeTraces Current and Overlooked IEQ Topics (12:00 - 1:30 PM) - Speaker Joe Hughes, IAQ Training Institute Joe Hughes shared his presentation which can be found here: joe_hughes_2021-02-23_pgh_aiha_presentation.pdf SKC, Inc. is looking for an Instrument Specialist. Follow the link below for more information:
https://recruiting.myapps.paychex.com/appone/MainInfoReq.asp?R_ID=3370387&B_ID=91&fid=1&Adid=0&ssbgcolor=273A5B&SearchScreenID=13289&CountryID=3&LanguageID=2 Northrop Grumman’s Advanced Technology Laboratories (ATL) in Linthicum, MD, is seeking a Principal/Sr. Principal EHS Engineer to support occupational health programs. Full details regarding the position are available at the Northrop Grumman Career page, https://www.northropgrumman.com/careers/experienced-professionals/. To find it, select "SEARCH ALL US JOBS". Then search by keyword "Industrial Hygienist". You can also reply to [email protected] if interested. Key roles and responsibilities include:
![]() The current Pittsburgh AIHA Newsletter is posted in multiple formats - please view here: https://www.pittsburghaiha.org/newsletter.html. The next Pittsburgh AIHA Newsletter is expected to be published late February 2021. Submit any announcements, events, items of interest, etc. to [email protected]. ![]() The Pittsburgh AIHA does not have a January 2021 event scheduled and would like to share an invitation extended by the Yuma Pacific Southwest (YPSW) AIHA to participate in their annual meeting. YPSW Program Chair, Fred Boelter, has assembled an excellent program and slate of speakers in line with the current times aptly named: "Resiliency Through Change" Two 2-hour Sessions to be held Thurs./Fri. (Jan 21 and 22) from 4:00-6:00 PM Eastern Time. The meeting Agenda is found here: 46th Annual Meeting Agenda REGISTER ONLINE BY JANUARY 15: 2021 YPSW Registration Form (Download, Fill-in, & Email) On Wednesday, December 16, the local section held their winter business meeting via ZOOM. Thank you to the members who participated in the call! Available Now: Click HERE for the DRAFT meeting minutes.
Topics discussed during this meeting included:
![]() The AIHA Pittsburgh Local Section is in need of volunteers for the 2021-2022 executive committee. We are in search of nominations for President-Elect, Director, and Secretary. For any questions regarding duties and terms, and to submit nominations for yourself or others, please contact our nominations committee chair, Renee Cowell, CSP at renee.cowell@energytransfer.com. The Pittsburgh Local Section Election will take place in February 2021. For a general description of duties, please see the link: https://www.pittsburghaiha.org/bylaws.html ![]() Over the past 30 years, the American Industrial Hygiene Foundation (AIHF) has awarded more than 680 scholarships totaling nearly $2 million to students dedicated to studying industrial hygiene and/or occupational and environmental health safety. Every year, the AIHF awards qualified students and young professionals with scholarships of varying types to help offset costs in their pursuit of a career in industrial hygiene. With a variety of scholarships available (PIttsburgh AIHA sponsors a scholarship), students in undergraduate and graduate degree programs that lead to a career in industrial hygiene can find varying levels of awards and assistance to further their educational opportunities. Unless otherwise noted, interested students should follow the established application and eligibility guidelines for the scholarships listed below.
The deadline to submit all AIHF application materials is February 1, 2021. All materials must be completed and answered in full and can now be completed using an online application portal. Reminder to visit your ONLINE CLASSROOM before the deadline -- One great benefit provided by our local section is an AIHA eLearning Lite subscription. Details were sent in an email to all 2020 PAID Pittsburgh AIHA Members from National AIHA -- Each should see the following 2020 webinars in their classroom:
IMPORTANT - YOU MUST BE CURRENT 2020 DUES-PAYING MEMBER. Our Pgh. AIHA subscription roster includes only members current on their 2020 dues. Pgh. AIHA 2020 Corporate Sponsors and students / retired members (dues waived) are already included in the roster. If you are unsure of your membership status, please contact Christy at [email protected] NOTE: As a member of our local section, you can login, view, and obtain credit for up to five AIHA eLearning webinars per year. Save time, money, and earn credit contact hours towards maintaining your certification. AIHA webinars can cost $100-200 per individual registration. By taking advantage of our local section subscription, you can save hundreds (or thousands) of dollars on your continuing education. For assistance with e-learning via the online classroom, contact [email protected]. |
Interested in becoming a Pittsburgh AIHA Sponsor? Click HERE for more info!
National AIHA Links:
AIHA Homepage About Industrial Hygiene AIHA Calendar of Events AIHA Catalyst AIHA IH Professional Pathway AIHA Membership AIHA Press Releases AIHA Public Resources Get Involved - Safety Matters, Outreach, Students, etc. Now Collecting Member Dues 2025ATTENTION:
Pittsburgh AIHA Member Annual Dues If you are NOT a National AIHA Member, please pay through the Pittsburgh Local Section using the PayPal link below: Categories
February 2025