Abstract: Many people do not know which masks are best in preventing the spread of bacteria, and therefore, do not know which types of masks to wear during the COVID-19 pandemic. My project tests the efficacy of masks and shows us which mask is better in stopping the spread of bacteria. My hypothesis was that the type of mask matters and a N95 mask would stop the most spread of bacteria. To test this hypothesis, I collected a cloth mask, a gaiter, a N95, and a surgical mask. I helped make 32 agar plates for the experiment, six plates for cloth masks, six for gaiters, six for N95s, six for surgical masks, six for no masks, and two for a control. For each mask, I talked into agar plates twice, coughed twice, and sneezed twice. For control, two plates were left out in the experiment room to see what the environment was like. The plates were then sent into an incubator for 4 days so the bacteria, if any, would grow. Data on bacteria growth was then collected and analyzed using analysis of variants to determine if the type of mask matters. Based on the data, we can come to the conclusion that mask wearing is effective in preventing the spread of bacteria. We can also determine that in our experiment, the most effective masks are the N95 and surgical masks, while the least effective one is the gaiter.
Ronald Bushnell - Hopewell Junior High School - How much do household items absorb sound compared to studio foam?
Abstract: The purpose of this experiment was to test how much do average household item absorb sound compared to studio foam. Sound in this experiment is being recorded in decibels. This was tested by taking a cardboard box and put two devices at either end (one for sound receiving and for playing sound) and put the thing being tested in between. When the sound is play the sound in decibels for each will be averaged and compared to each other to see which one absorbed the greatest amount of sound. Each item will be tested 5 times and the lower the number of decibels the quieter the amount of sound. The hypothesis was supported because the pillow had a final sound in decibels recorded as 33.988 which was the lowest showing that the pillow had the greatest amount of sound absorbed.
The Pittsburgh Regional Science & Engineering Fair (PRSEF) will celebrate another year of open competition of research projects in the fields of science, mathematics, and engineering in March. This competition is open to all students in grades 6-12 from the 21 counties within Western Pennsylvania and Garrett County, Maryland.
The Science Fair has been a Pittsburgh tradition since 1940. It is also the third oldest science fair in the United States under the affiliation of Society for Science, which runs the Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) and the Broadcom MASTERS middle school competition.