OSHA and NIOSH: in compliance with PEL’s today and AIHA: in compliance with all OEL’s every day.
Paul reviewed the history of sampling from the early 20th Century, where exposure strategies were qualitative, relying on visual observations and reported symptoms. Key points are noted below: (click read more.....)
- The introduction of air sampling devices.
- ACGIH has developed their first TLV’s, which were ceiling values. Primarily based on expert opinion.
- ACGIH began incorporating more scientific data into the TLV development process.
- Epidemiological studies and tox research played a significant role in setting and adjusting exposure limits.
- A formal TV document was issued.
- The Short-Term Exposure Limit was introduced.
- ACGIH issued their Guidance on Exposure Assessment.
- OSHA Act Passed
- OSHA adopted the Table Z-1, Z-2, Z-3 and created PEL’s but there was no requirement for sampling.
- OSHA developed the Inspection Sampling Strategy.
- The emergence of real time monitoring instruments.
- Tolerance limits were introduced.
- Exposure assessment expanded to include Risk Assessment. Considerations such as exposure duration, frequency and toxicity of the substance were now being made.
- Advances in data analytics continue to further improve exposures assessments.
The meeting adjourned at 11:30 AM. Thank you to Barry Momyer, CIH President/Owner of A.M. Health and Safety, Inc. who hosted the meeting at their office.
We would also like to thank the following members for attending: