(Photos and Attendee List provided - click post to view)
Who says you can’t teach and old dog new tricks? This local section presentation on IH air modeling by Laura Hallett and Josh Maskrey from Cardio ChemRisk has convinced me of the fallacy of this adage. I must admit, when Josh threw up his first slides showing integral calculus equations I almost headed for the exit. But as he went further into his talk, the subjects of exposure modeling and computerized software to do the math, the topic became less intimidating, even cool.
Laura and Josh introduced us to IH Mod 2.0, a free exposure modeling software, incorporating Microsoft Excel tools, available on the AIHA website. This was made available courtesy of Thomas Armstrong and Daniel Drolet from the AIHA Exposure Assessment S committee. Our presenters discussed the rational for using exposure models as well as the hierarchy of models from simple to complex including one where air mixing is good and another where two possible exposure zones exist within the space. Techniques for gathering information about key model inputs including chemical generation rates, ventilation parameters, and exposure time parameters were discussed. Example model problems using the IH Mod 2.0 software were demonstrated bringing everything into focus, even for this old dog.
The presentation concluded with a brief discussion of more complex probabilistic exposure modeling useful as a tool for addressing statistical uncertainty. When exposure input parameters or data are poorly defined or unknown, probabilistic modeling can often provide important information to an IH assessment. Josh and Laura are to be congratulated on their excellent presentation. With young scientists like these, the future of Industrial Hygiene and Pittsburgh Local Section of AIHA is in good hands. Kudos also go out to Julie Panko and Cardio ChemRisk for hosting this presentation in downtown Pittsburgh making it both convenient and affordable.
Thank you to the attendees that participated in the event:
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